Saturday, May 30, 2009

thats that will not leve

feeling lost and confused what do you do or who do you tern to you can tern to no one but ur self or sometimes not even that. is a good anser cus you may do something stooped or dum cus you are so not your self at that time pepole cep pushing you in so meny derecshons and no one sems to want to be on your siyed thay just want to prove that you are rong or mack you think that you should have dun somthing eals all thow you know you wish you did, but you just get sick of all the shit and you just hafe to say somthing and it just dus not come out the way you whant it to and it bits u in the ass and you feel like shit for a long time and it feels like everyone has tern thayer chek like o its ok for this person to be this way.